Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Yesterday we were doing a DB design in our project which is just in its first sprint. I was paired with my team mate for this task and we were just going into discussions shaping our DB structure. Normalizing it and so on.
At one point I suggested a point from the perspective of extensibility in future. My team mate who is also our SCRUM master suddenly said YAGNI. And he started laughing. I was wondering what was that. Which language? Latin? Greek?
He quickly googled for the word YAGNI and the all the results said - "You ain't gonna need it". Instantly I recollected the SCRUM phillisophy of NO Big Design Upfront - NBDU. Just be in present do not worry a lot about future.
We laughed for while and continued back to work.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Acceptance TDD
2. Acceptance test are:
-Owned by customer
-Written together with customer, developer, tester
-It is about what and not about how
-expressed in the problem domain -consize, presize
3. The requirement is to achieve correctness at feature level and not at code level.
4. Dev Cycle:
-Select a User Story
-Write Acceptance tests for the story
-Automate above tests
-Implement the story to pass teh above automated acceptance tests.
Back to SCRUM...
Thanks to my new assignment in my new job :). I am back to a SCRUM team, playing the role of the tester. I am happy that I can use all my learnings from my Waltham University :) for my new team and project.
Right on my first day I heard back all things about SCRUM, which I was forgetting slowly being out of touch since last few months. I had my first standup meeting today and people are talking about TDD and Acceptance TDD. Cool.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Meditation is not...
- Meditation is not about doing:
It is easy to be in meditation, but it is extremely difficult to do meditation.
Imagine how difficult it would have been if we had to do breathing. Like all natural processes, meditation is spontaneous and effortless.
- Meditation is a state:
It has a very great advantage of being a fact and not a fiction
- Socrates
Meditation is the state of silence where we can introspect without either guilt or pride. In the state of deep meditation, we can correct even the fundamental flaws of our personality effortlessly.
Meditation is a state that extends much beyond mere relaxation. It is the experience of a state called as ‘thoughtless awareness’ where we are not hindered by the thoughts arising from the worries of the past or the anxieties about the future and being in the present where we experience our true nature.
- Meditation is not an exercise:
Breathing exercises or stretching exercises do not constitute meditation. They are merely techniques that can be used to enter into meditation.
- Not all who talk, know:
Stop thinking and talking about it and there is nothing you will not be able to know
- Zen Koan
People who talk about meditation sometimes have never actually experienced it. And even if someone has experienced it, it is of little value to us unless we can experience it ourselves too.
- Meditation has no prerequisites:
It is not mandatory to have a silent room or peaceful settings to meditate. If there is noise outside, meditation will make you silent inside. It is possible to meditate even in a crowded train or during a crisis.
- Meditation is not giving up on life:
We don’t need to renounce our day-to-day activities in order to meditate. Instead, meditation helps us to do things better. Proper meditation does not make us passive; instead it makes us dynamic and energetic.
- Meditation is not for sale:
Look and you will find it - what is unsought will go undetected
- Sophocles
You cannot buy meditation. You cannot sell meditation. You cannot do meditation. You cannot force meditation. Like all natural processes – like flowers blooming and seeds sprouting – meditation is spontaneous, effortless and always born out of the individual’s desire.
While it is easy to believe that more you pay, better the product/service you get, it is often untrue with meditation. People who spend millions usually learn nothing of value. Nowadays, a lot of ‘commercial yoga’ techniques are available in the market that promises extraordinary things but usually is observed to deliver nothing of much significance.
- Knowing is not the same as being:
The story is about you
- Horace
Listening to lectures on meditation is not the same as the actual meditation itself. No amount of books can teach you to swim unless you jump into the water.
A second’s experience is worth more than years of study. Direct perception is worth more than hours of listening to second-hand knowledge. To be is much greater than to know.
- Abnormal behavior is not meditation:
It is no proof of a man’s understanding to be able to confirm whatever he pleases; but to be able to discern that which is true is true and that which is false is false, that is a mark of character and intelligence.
- Emanuel Swedenborg
Mind going blank, losing consciousness, doing weird things are things that are neither spiritual nor meditative. Many believe that anything that is paranormal is spiritual. However, from my experience, I have come to understand that true meditation is not something abnormal. It is a profound state of inner silence that helps us understand ourselves better. It is natural and uncomplicated. And has no price tag associated with it.
- Meditation, a fashion statement?
The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved
- Victor Hugo
The ability to love oneself and other human beings equally is the most beautiful and attractive quality a human being can have. Meditation has the capacity to trigger this beautiful quality and thus is an eternal fashion statement. Meditation can never go out of fashion as long as humans desire for love and compassion.
Testing Framework Review
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Drive Towards Excellence
Monday, September 28, 2009
Intelligent and dangerous Virus.. Wow!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
I love music...
DRY - Dont Repeat Yourself
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Message / SOA Testing...
So automating the testing for the messaging framework is very crucial. We are using a licenced software called Green Hat for this task. In this tool we basically create publishers and subscribers to various Queues. We create XML messages and send them to Publisher Queues and verify the responses using Subscriber Queues or Database calls.
This Green Hat being licenced tool I was wondering if we can find out an open source way of doing this. And I found the following link in the very first search results.
This is basically using JMeter for the same purpose.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What is Recession?
He was smart enough to offer some attractive schemes to increase his sales. His sales and profit went up. He ordered more a more raw material and buns and sold more. He recruited more supporting staff to serve more customers. He started offering home deliveries. Eventually he got himself a bigger and better stove. As his business was growing, the son, who had recently graduated from college, joined his father.
Then something strange happened.
The son asked, "Dad, aren't you aware of the great recession that is coming our way?" The father replied, "No, but tell me about it." The son said, "The international situation is terrible. The domestic situation is even worse. We should be prepared for the coming bad times."
The man thought that since his son had been to college, read the papers, listened to the radio and watched TV. He ought to know and his advice should not be taken lightly. So the next day onwards, the father cut down the his raw material order and buns, took down the colorful signboard, removed all the special schemes he was offering to the customers and was no longer as enthusiastic. He reduced his staff strength by giving layoffs. Very soon, fewer and fewer people bothered to stop at his Hotdog stand. And his sales started coming down rapidly and so did the profit. The father said to his son, "Son, you were right". "We are in the middle of a recession and crisis. I am glad you warned me ahead of time."
Moral of the Story: It's all in your MIND! And we actually FUEL this recession much more than we think.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
What is Google Voice?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Testing I18N..
Looks like some help for building my testing strategy for I18N. Need to explore..
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Heard new acronyms..
SEAM - JBoss Seam
Need to explore more...
Getting started with GWT..
I found this blog very useful to get my first GWT app running in my eclipse workspace.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Using the right DB increased test coverage 10 times !!!
What support?
- Quickness
- ease of rebuilding
- smooth to handle with a programming language
I worked on an application recently which had no unit tests. When I joined the team I spoke to the team about benefits of tests - both unit and acceptance. The project had good amount automated acceptance tests though.
We tried the idea of in-memory DB - HSQLDB. This is a light weight database made in Java language. Using ANT (with hibernate) we created tasks like -
- generateSchema
- createDatabase
- populateDatabase
- deleteDatabase
Using these tasks we had great control over the DB. Moreover the DB being light and in-memory made writing tests very quick. We even configured it in Cruise Control.
Initially before we started with HSQLDB 10 days back, our test coverage was 3% and now it is 30%, growing exponentially.